
EA Sports Active

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Revolutionize your workout regimen with EA SPORTS Active, the ultimate interactive fitness program that's designed for you. Get fit with a holistic approach to fitness that combines nutrition and lifestyle factors, with a variety of activities, all from the convenience of your living room. From customized routines that target upper body, lower body, and cardio to a guided 30-day challenge that tests muscle endurance, coordination and agility, stay in shape with fitness made fun and easy.


Technical Details

- Game includes a deep co-operative multiplayer game mode.

- Engage in fitness made easy through 20 minute circuits feature a variety of familiar activities that target upper body, lower body as well as cardio.

- Follow the guidance, motivation and training tip of your very own virtual personal trainer.

- 30 day challenge' of tailor made 20 minute workouts, that change as you progress each day, and track calories, intensity and progress throughout your journey.

- Gameplay/workout options are extended with the included Nunchuck strap and resistance band accessories, and compatibility with the Wii Balance Board (not included).

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Customer Buzz

My husband and I both use this game every day and it has been great for us. We wouldn't be working out without it.......

Customer Buzz

First, I want to start out by saying that I REALLY enjoy EA Sports Active! Despite a few drawbacks I believe overall it is productive and fun to use (and certainly if used properly a very good workout). More Effort for Beginners: Beginners are better off making a custom workout; quite honestly if you try to jump into their 30 day challenge being completely foreign to exercise then your likely to injure yourself. Start slow if you need to and build up to doing some of the more strenuous exercises; for the most part its easy to set up your own custom workout! I was a little disappointed that they didn't have a work out set up for beginners and some of the exercises they start you out with could really hurt someone more heavy set (like me!). Great Instructional Videos!: One of the features I love about the active is that they actually have real people demonstrating the exercises in the video's! Another great aspect of the video's is that you don't need to hunt them down in the options, every time you do an exercise it will offer to show you the video at the press of a button. Making Your Own Routine: The reason why I have fallen in love with EA Sports Active is because right off the bat I could make my own work out routine; its easy to set up all you have to do is fool around with the options in your profile. I feel like I achieve more by doing my own work out and I'm doing enough to feel the burn but not making it so I can't move the next day. I watched my mother-in-law start with the 30 day challenge and said, "screw that." My mother-in-law is a big woman and is just starting out with exercising yet they had her doing jump lunges and other activities that could be really dangerous for a beginner (like stated previously). The Journal Entries: I think this concept could have and should have been expanded on more. Basically, they'll give you a medal for the day and give you a couple short surveys to fill out to determine which medal you deserve. The questions are simple, i.e. "How many sugary drinks did you drink today?" I think it would have been more useful if they allowed you to include a measurement tool because I'm sure one drink is 8oz's but most drinks are 12-16oz or more (just for example). You really can't keep an accurate food diary which I think is really the point to keeping a journal like this. ***The Controls: By far the most annoying problem in this game is the sensory of the paddles with the game. Seriously, you can be doing everything right but the sensors just don't pick it up all the time. For the longest time I thought it was my Wii remotes, sensory bar, or Wii itself and I tried EVERYTHING including replacing some of the smaller items, but in the end it has to be the game. I was having a hard time picking up the running, squats, and lunges the most (and for a beginner doing those over and over is killer). Not to worry though the more I got the hang of it and moved around the sensory bar for optimum reception I was able to limit the amount of glitches and have enjoyed the game fully since (with the occasional sensory issue). OVERALL: EA Sports Active is probably the next best thing to a personal trainer or Gym and with this economy who can afford either of those options? Don't get discouraged by some of its flaws, it really is a great start for the average working person, whether your just starting out or just trying to maintain your current status. ......

Customer Buzz

... well it is for me. Have looked into many other workouts but this one has a good variety of moves. It can be frustrating at times but overall it's a great workout. Pay attention to where the coach controllers start and end on each movement, that will save you some time and energy. What I would like to see improved: - What is the purpose of the journal? need tips, advice, etc...that improve my motivation.. - 30 days only then redo the same? why not create some random workouts with a level bias - kick backs need to be improved or taken out (really frustrating). - Trophies, coach words, nahh.. why not at the end of the each monthly challenge, unlock some newer workouts/monthly challenges. Looking forward to a newer version.........

Customer Buzz

...and that is exactly what happened. I would jump...the game wouldn't register it and just sat there waiting for me to jump. Not very fun at all. Or productive. ......

Customer Buzz

I have to say that this is a really great workout. I was disappointed with the Wii Fit as it seemed geared more towards kids and many of the activities were for balance and timing. This "game" provides an excellent workout in about 40 minutes (depending on if you watch the tutorials). It nicely tracks your goals and progress and allows you to enter diet and other activity information. It is also a good mix of cardio and muscle strengthening/toning. 2 drawbacks...but would not deter me from getting the game in any way...the resistance band is very weak. Since I already had some other bands this wasn't a big deal. The other issue is sometimes the nunchuck does not "register" as in the correct position. Many times simply lunging lower will fix the issue. All around great title and worth the dough if you want to lose weight!.......

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